QuickStart Installation (for Magento 2.3.x and older)

For Magento 2.4.x and up, please follow this article, as the quickstart installation is different.

We provide Quickstart package for each template which aims to ease the installation for users.
It will help you save much time of installing and configuring if you plan to start your site from the beginning.

1. Upload package to your web root

Upload the folder QuickStart to your server. In QuickStart folder you will see the extracted folder that includes all sample data.

2.Create a database for your Magento store (using phpMyAdmin).

To install, open a browser and navigate to your URL (where the QuickStart package uploaded) to load the default Magento installer.

3. QuickStart installation steps

Follow the 7 steps below to start your QuickStart installation

From your browser, navigate to the location of the QuickStart downloader on your server.

Step 1 : Agree and Setup

The QuickStart Downloader welcome page appears.

Magento 2.0 - Installtion guide

Start setup

Step 2 : Verify System requirements

To validate your server environment, click the Continue button. If error warnings appear, you must correct the errors and validate your environment again

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Verify Requirement

Step 3 : Setup the database

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Verify Requirement

  • Database Server Host: Enter the server qualified host name or IP address. If your server is on the same host as your web server, enter localhost
  • Database Server Username
  • Database Server Password
  • Database Name: input the database name you have just created at section Create Database
  • Table prefix: this field could left blank

Note: Do not use “localhost” in URL, otherwise you could not log into your Admin area (you should use your local IP in case of installing on your computer).

Step 4 : Web Configuration

Magento 2.0 - Installtion guide

Configure Web

  • Your Store Address: enter the base URL for your store
  • Magento Admin Access: Enter the base URL for the store’s Admin Panel. The default value is admin

Step 5 : Configure Language, Time Zone and Currency

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Configure Timezone and Currency

Step 6 : Create Admin Account

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Configure Admin

  • New Username: enter the Admin account of the owner of your store
  • New Email: enter the Email of the owner of your store
  • New Username: enter the Password of the owner of your store
  • New Email: Confirm the password

Step 7 : Install & Finish

Magento 2.0 - Installtion guide


Important notes
After the end of the QuickStart install, you should run the following commands:

  • php -f bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • php -f bin/magento indexer:reindex
  • php -f bin/magento cache:clean

ATTENTION: If you use Magento 2.2.0, please run the following command instead of using the command php -f bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

  • php -f bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f