UB Data Migration Pro v3.2.4 here. Fully compatible with Magento 2.4.0.
Sept 20, 2018 Update:
Check out the latest UB Data Migration Pro v3.1.6, with all-new dashboard UI. Fully compatible with Magento 2.2.6. It supports delta migration, Command-line Interface, PHP Memcached and fully ready for large-scale data migration.
We decided to upgrade our free migration tool to a premium version — UB Data Migration Pro to provide a better, stable and more feature-rich solution for Magento 2 migration. Check out this 9-minute video to learn more about how this new migration tool can help with Magento 2 migration.
To back up an appointment, whenever Magento 2.0 with the new version we also update the tool. Surely you are familiar with our tool, today we have some new information for you about the changes to the tools.If this is the first time you have come across this tool, then do read in detail about the features, which we have covered in our earlier blog post. Not only we have updated it to work with current version of Magento 2 but we have also focused on improvements and it is now more user-friendly than ever.
In this version we have:
Highlights of Version 0.1.20
Changes in table
+ Removes Tables
In this post, we are standing at process 1 To use this migration tool, follow the steps below.
# Pre-condition: Install Magento 2
Download the latest version of Magento2 from Github + Follow our Installation guide to Install Magento 2
# Step 1: Configure the tool
1 -- Make a folder named “migrate_data_tool” in your web root. For example: PATH_TO_YOUR_WEB_ROOT_FOLDER\migrate-data-tool
+ Download the latest version of this tool at Magento 2 Data Migration
+ Extract all source code from downloaded file to the folder you have just created (migrate_data_tool)
+ Make writeable permission for folders at:
>>> PATH_TO_YOUR_WEB_ROOT_FOLDER\migrate-data-tool\assets
>>> PATH_TO_YOUR_WEB_ROOT_FOLDER\migrate-data-tool\protected\runtime
+ Make writeable permission for config file at:
>>> PATH_TO_YOUR_WEB_ROOT_FOLDER\migrate-data-tool\protected\config\config.php
# Step 2: Run this tool
Open your browser and type in the url to run this tool. For example: go to http://localhost/migrate-data-tool/ and press Enter key.
- Version: to select version of Magento
- Database Server Host: identify the database server host name
- Database Server UserName: indentify the username of database server
- Database Server Password: identify the password of database server
- Table Prefix: identify the table prefix
# Step 3: Follow step by step to migrate data
Follow step by step to migrate needed Data from Magento 1 website to Magento2 website.
# Step 4: Complete the tasks below to finish the data migration process.
Re-save all the Attribute Sets (Product Template) migrated in the back-end of your Magento 2 website. (Open the attribute set, edit it if needed and click the save button) Open the command line window and go to the folder: PATH_TO_YOUR_WEB_ROOT_FOLDER\your_magento2_folder\dev\shell\ and type in the command line: php indexer.php reindexall then press enter key to re-index all data in your Magento 2 website.
Copy media files to complete migration:
+ Copy the folder at PATH_TO_YOUR_WEB_ROOT_FOLDER\your_magento1_folder\media\catalog and paste replace to PATH_TO_YOUR_WEB_ROOT_FOLDER\your_magento2_folder\pub\media\
+ Copy the folder at PATH_TO_YOUR_WEB_ROOT_FOLDER\your_magento1_folder\media\downloadable and paste replace to PATH_TO_YOUR_WEB_ROOT_FOLDER\your_magento2_folder\pub\media\
# Step 5: Now you can test the data which have been migrated into your Magento 2 website from the browser.
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