Adding a product without a price

I’ve got some products that can’t be purcased in my webshop so I don’t want to put a price on them, just write "Price on application".
Does anyone know how to do this?

best regards,

1 answer

Stork11 0.00 $tone January 24, 2012

Hello jungfrun,

You can made a "Yes/No" attribute called "in_store_only". If it’s set to "Yes" then the product is only available in stores -- not online. If it’s set to "No" then the product is available online.

Then you can check this value in list page "/app/design/frontend/default/default/template/catalog/product/list.phtml". Again, if it’s set to "Yes" then you’ll write "Price on application". Otherwise, you’ll write product price.

Use this code to check "in_store_only" value:


$productattrib = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($_product->getId());
if($productattrib->getResource()->getAttribute('in_store_only')->getFrontend()->getValue($productattrib) == "Yes")

Thank you.


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