After migration, customers can't not log in

After Migrate all data customers can’t login to the site
We tested with a clean installation and only the UB Data Migration Tool plugin, it doesn’t work, After Migrate customers can’t login to the site
We merge default websites in the step 2, it doesn’t work, After Migrate customers can’t login to the site
We upgrade, compile, deploy, reindex, clean cache, , it doesn’t work, After Migrate customers can’t login to the site
I appreciate an urgent response, as we have thousands of users who cannot access the new site.
Thank you
Magento 2.3.5-p2
UB Data Migration Pro (UBDataMigrationPro-Package_3.2.4)

1 answer

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone October 12, 2020

Hi there,

After Migrate all data customers can’t login to the site

The issue you mentioned is strange. Please provide me information about your instance:

  • URL and Admin credentials of your M2 instance
  • SSH credentials of your M2 instance
  • Let me know the path to the M2 root folder
  • A migrated customer credentials and let me know the URL of your M1 site too (this helps to verify the customer credentials you provided)
  • Let me know the version of your M1 site. 
  • phpMyadmin URL which allow to view your M1 and M2 database

PS. Please make sure you mark this ticket private, then it’s safe to share your site info here. Only you and our technical team can access it. 



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