After Migration not able to login as a customer

After migration the customers, and followed up your documentation and the migration is 100% completed.
Now after migration, not able to login as a customer from the stroefront, using the migrated customers data

31 answers

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone August 8, 2019

Hi there, 
We wonder if you enabled Merge Default Website at Step 2 (as per this screenshot) when migrating data to M2?
If not, then there’s a high chance your current M2 still loads your default website that exists before you proceed migration. If that’s the case, you have to set the migrated website as the base website. You can go to your M2 Admin | Stores | (Settings) All Stores, then open the migrated website and set it as Default Website. Once done, clean your M2 cache. 
If the customer can still not log in then, please let us know. 
Ubertheme team

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone August 8, 2019

Hi there, 
Setting a website to be default website is the function of Magento 2 core (the screenshot you provided is our migration tool dashboard). You can follow steps as per our reply #1 to set the default website. 
PS. Please check the Magento’s devdocs guide we shared in your another ticket here (please refer to our reply #7). 
Ubertheme team

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone August 12, 2019

Hi there, 
We’ve checked and found the current stage as follows:

1. In Step 2, you already migrated 2 websites from M1 (with all associated stores) as shown in this screenshot:
2. However, after migration, you deleted 1 migrated store view of the base website which is the default website in M1 (as shown in this screenshot: )
And all migrated customers belong to that default website that you deleted. That’s why you could not set the as the default website of your M2 instance. As a result, it led to the log in issue you mentioned.

Under this circumstance, to save time, you can try the workaround below:
Step 1: Run the following SQL in your M2 database:

DELETE FROM ub_migrate_map_step_2 WHERE entity_name = 'core_website' AND m2_id NOT IN (SELECT website_id FROM store_website);
DELETE FROM ub_migrate_map_step_2 WHERE entity_name = 'core_store_group' AND m2_id NOT IN (SELECT group_id FROM store_group);
DELETE FROM ub_migrate_map_step_2 WHERE entity_name = 'core_store' AND m2_id NOT IN (SELECT store_id FROM store);

Step 2: Run delta migration with the ‘update’ mode for all steps using this command:

php -f bin/ubdatamigration run --mode=update

IMPORTANT: If you run across any issue during this step, please pause the process, and let us know the details. We will check and help you out.
Step 3. Once done, back to the Store management, and set the as the default website of your M2 instance.
Step 4. Then, reindex and clean Magento 2 cache.
And let us know how it goes then.
Ubertheme team

Profile photo of vkulkarni 610.00 $tone August 12, 2019


php -f bin/ubdatamigration run --mode=update
should i run for all the steps ?

Because we have done a lot of changes in the M2 admin page…. will the migration for all the steps replace the current changes ?

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone August 12, 2019

Hi there, 
When you removed the storeview as explained, it deleted not just that storeview, but also data associated with that storeview. 
In this case, it’s pity that you have to run delta with the ‘update’ mode for all steps. And this will overwrite changes you have made. 
Ubertheme team

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone August 13, 2019

Hi there, 

 Deltamigration error —

The screenshot indicates that you did delete at least one customer and related data after your first migration. To resolve the issue, please follow steps below: 
First, run the command:
php -f bin/ubdatamigration clean --step=6
Then, clean our module’s cache by running the command:
rm -rf pub/ub-tool/protected/runtime/cache/*
Once done, continue data migration in the step #6 by run CLI command:
php -f bin/ubdatamigration run --step=6
Ubertheme team

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone August 13, 2019

Hi there,

For that case, you can try with steps below:

+ Run the following SQL in your M2 database:

DELETE FROM ub_migrate_map_step_6 WHERE entity_name = 'customer_group' AND m2_id NOT IN (Select customer_group_id From customer_group);
DELETE FROM ub_migrate_map_step_6 WHERE entity_name = 'customer_entity' AND m2_id NOT IN (Select entity_id From customer_entity);
DELETE FROM ub_migrate_map_step_6_customer_address WHERE entity_name = 'customer_address_entity' AND m2_id NOT IN (Select entity_id From customer_address_entity);

+ Once done, clean the cache of our migration tool by running the command in your ternimal:
rm -rf pub/ub-tool/protected/runtime/cache/*
+ And then, continue with the data migration in the step #6 by running the command:
php -f bin/ubdatamigration run --step=6


Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone August 13, 2019

Hi there,

I am getting the same error

That is strange. I need to take a closer look to detect the root cause of the issue you mentioned. Please provide me information of your instance:

  • URL and admin credentials of your M2 instance
  • SSH credentials of your M2 instance
  • Let me know the path to your M2 folder

PS. Please make sure you mark your reply private, or simply switch this ticket to private mode, then it’s safe to share your site info here. Only you and our technical team can access. 


Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone August 14, 2019

Hi there,
Is creating a customer from M2 causing this duplicate entry? while delta migration

Yes, that is right. Because you checked the ‘KEEP ORIGINAL IDs’ setting in step #6, thus you shouldn’t add new customer in M2 when you haven’t finished data migration with our migration tool yet.

To solve the duplicated issue you mentioned, you need to delete the newly customers added in M2 first. And then, you can continue step #6 by running the command:
php -f bin/ubdatamigration run --step=6

Profile photo of vkulkarni 610.00 $tone August 14, 2019


How can i change this, so that i wont affect the delta migration in future and also we can create the customers from m2
and aslo let me know 
the query to delete this
Thank you

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone August 14, 2019

Hi there,

How can i change this, so that i wont affect the delta migration in future and also we can create the customers from m2

You must reset step #8,#7, #6 and start from grow up on these steps

and aslo let me know 
the query to delete this

You could run below SQL in your M2 to delete:

Delete From customer_entity Where entity_id = 22672;


Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone August 16, 2019

Hi there,

That is a similar case with the above issue which happened in another context.
To solve the issue, you can do steps below:

+ Run the following SQLs in your M2 database:

DELETE FROM ub_migrate_map_step_8_review WHERE entity_name = 'review' AND m2_id NOT IN (Select review_id From review);
DELETE FROM ub_migrate_map_step_8_subscriber WHERE entity_name = 'newsletter_subscriber' AND m2_id NOT IN (Select subscriber_id From newsletter_subscriber);

+ Once done, refresh the PHP memcache again
+ And then, you can continue with data migration in the step #8:
php -f bin/ubdatamigration run --step=8;


Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone August 16, 2019

Hi there, 
In order to see the migrated customer in your M2 backend grid view, you need to reindex the data after migration.
Ubertheme team

Profile photo of vkulkarni 610.00 $tone August 19, 2019

Hi there,

In order to see the migrated customer in your M2 backend grid view, you need to reindex the data after migration.

Even after reindexing its the same issue, not able view.

Something went wrong with processing the default view and we have restored the filter to its original state.

thank you.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone August 19, 2019

Hi there,

Even after reindexing its the same issue, not able view.

I checked further in your site and saw the issue you mentioned. That is a strange issue. I need to check further via SSH, but the ssh you provided does not grant sufficient permission for me to check further. I got the issue when running the basic Magento’s CLI command: php -f bin/magento list
Please try the following points: 

  • Deploy static files once again at your end
  • Since you’re using different 3rd extensions, please try to disable those extensions and verify the issue again

For your information, all our users have completed their data migration projects successfully so far, without any issue with the migrated customers like your case. 

Profile photo of vkulkarni 610.00 $tone August 21, 2019

Hi there,

Step #7 migration completed with 100 Sales Orders;
Processing in step #7…………………….PHP Error[8]: Trying to get property of non-object
in file /var/www/html/pub/ub-tool/protected/controllers/Step7Controller.php at line 2875
#0 /var/www/html/pub/ub-tool/protected/controllers/Step7Controller.php(1314): Step7Controller->_migrateSalesOrderItem()
#1 /var/www/html/pub/ub-tool/protected/controllers/Step7Controller.php(246): Step7Controller->_migrateSalesOrders()
#2 /var/www/html/pub/ub-tool/protected/commands/RunCommand.php(58): Step7Controller->actionRun()
#3 /var/www/html/pub/ub-tool/protected/commands/RunCommand.php(28): RunCommand->_migrateData()
#4 unknown(0): RunCommand->actionIndex()
#5 /var/www/html/pub/ub-tool/yii-1.1.19/console/CConsoleCommand.php(172): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs()
#6 /var/www/html/pub/ub-tool/yii-1.1.19/console/CConsoleCommandRunner.php(71): RunCommand->run()
#7 /var/www/html/pub/ub-tool/yii-1.1.19/console/CConsoleApplication.php(92): CConsoleCommandRunner->run()
#8 /var/www/html/pub/ub-tool/yii-1.1.19/base/CApplication.php(185): CConsoleApplication->processRequest()
#9 /var/www/html/pub/ub-tool/yii-1.1.19/yiic.php(33): CConsoleApplication->run()
#10 /var/www/html/pub/ub-tool/protected/ubdatamigration_cli.php(5): require_once()
#11 /var/www/html/bin/ubdatamigration(4): require_once()

The same error has occurred for Step 7 in delta migration.
Note -- Have flushed PHP Memcache as mentioned above.
Thank you.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone August 21, 2019

Hi there,

The same error has occurred for Step 7 in delta migration.

Please follow extra steps below:

+ Run the following SQLs in your M2 database:

DELETE FROM ub_migrate_map_step_7 WHERE entity_name = 'salesrule' AND m2_id NOT IN (Select rule_id From salesrule);
DELETE FROM ub_migrate_map_step_7 WHERE entity_name = 'salesrule_coupon' AND m2_id NOT IN (Select coupon_id From salesrule_coupon);
DELETE FROM ub_migrate_map_step_7_order_item WHERE entity_name = 'sales_flat_order_item' AND m2_id NOT IN (Select item_id From sales_order_item);
DELETE FROM ub_migrate_map_step_7_order_address WHERE entity_name = 'sales_flat_order_address' AND m2_id NOT IN (Select entity_id From sales_order_address);
DELETE FROM ub_migrate_map_step_7_quote WHERE entity_name = 'sales_flat_quote' AND m2_id NOT IN (Select entity_id From quote);
DELETE FROM ub_migrate_map_step_7_quote_item WHERE entity_name = 'sales_flat_quote_item' AND m2_id NOT IN (Select item_id From quote_item);
DELETE FROM ub_migrate_map_step_7_quote_address WHERE entity_name = 'sales_flat_quote_address' AND m2_id NOT IN (Select address_id From quote_address);

+ Once done, clean cache of our migration tool by running the command:
rm -rf pub/ub-tool/protected/runtime/cache/
or refresh the PHP memcache if enabled.

+ And then, continue with data migration in step #7:
php -f bin/ubdatamigration run --step=7;

Profile photo of vkulkarni 610.00 $tone August 24, 2019

Hi there,
Below is the error for delta migration of step 6 ( customers )

Processing in step #6…………………………………………………………………………………………..PHP Error[2]: Creating default object from empty value
in file /var/www/html/pub/ub-tool/protected/controllers/Step6Controller.php at line 558
#0 /var/www/html/pub/ub-tool/protected/controllers/Step6Controller.php(424): Step6Controller->_migrateCustomerAddressEntity()
#1 /var/www/html/pub/ub-tool/protected/controllers/Step6Controller.php(171): Step6Controller->_migrateCustomers()
#2 /var/www/html/pub/ub-tool/protected/commands/RunCommand.php(58): Step6Controller->actionRun()
#3 /var/www/html/pub/ub-tool/protected/commands/RunCommand.php(28): RunCommand->_migrateData()
#4 unknown(0): RunCommand->actionIndex()
#5 /var/www/html/pub/ub-tool/yii-1.1.19/console/CConsoleCommand.php(172): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs()
#6 /var/www/html/pub/ub-tool/yii-1.1.19/console/CConsoleCommandRunner.php(71): RunCommand->run()
#7 /var/www/html/pub/ub-tool/yii-1.1.19/console/CConsoleApplication.php(92): CConsoleCommandRunner->run()
#8 /var/www/html/pub/ub-tool/yii-1.1.19/base/CApplication.php(185): CConsoleApplication->processRequest()
#9 /var/www/html/pub/ub-tool/yii-1.1.19/yiic.php(33): CConsoleApplication->run()
#10 /var/www/html/pub/ub-tool/protected/ubdatamigration_cli.php(5): require_once()
#11 /var/www/html/bin/ubdatamigration(4): require_once()

for the above error the solution provided was :

DELETE FROM ub_migrate_map_step_6 WHERE entity_name = ‘customer_group’ AND m2_id NOT IN (Select customer_group_id From customer_group);
DELETE FROM ub_migrate_map_step_6 WHERE entity_name = ‘customer_entity’ AND m2_id NOT IN (Select entity_id From customer_entity);
DELETE FROM ub_migrate_map_step_6_customer_address WHERE entity_name = ‘customer_address_entity’ AND m2_id NOT IN (Select entity_id From customer_address_entity);

I have flushed/refresh Memcache and also ran the below query

Delete From customer_entity Where entity_id = 22714;
Delete From customer_address_entity Where entity_id = 24174;

After refreshing the cache and running the delta migration again. I am getting the above mentioned duplicate entries ( looks like a loop ).
would request you to pls look into this looping issue
Thank you

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone August 24, 2019

Hi there,

After refreshing the cache and running the delta migration again. I am getting the above mentioned duplicate entries ( looks like a loop ).
would request you to pls look into this looping issue

I checked your site and I saw seem you have fixed the duplicated issue you mentioned And I saw you are continue data migration in the step #6:


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