Hello Mall,
We want to connect our shop to our cash register system and they can only import product dat to store view level.
Will it be a problem for delta migration in step 6 and 7 if we set some attributes like Name and others to global instead of storeview?
Hope you can help.
Kind Regards
3 answers
Hi there,
We want to connect our shop to our cash register system and they can only import product dat to store view level.
Do you want to connect your M2 instance to the cash register system? And have you checked ‘KEEP ORIGINAL IDs’ setting in step #5 of our migration tool?
Will it be a problem for delta migration in step 6 and 7 if we set some attributes like Name and others to global instead of storeview?
Do you refer to Customer’s attribute or Product’s attribute? If you have changed the scope of attribute only, basically you can do delta in steps #6 (migrating customers data) and #7 (migrating sales data) normally.
Hi Mall,
We did checked keep original ID’s in setting 5.
And we mean the product attributes.
Kind Regards
Hi there,
We did checked keep original ID’s in setting 5.
So, that can cause the duplicated product’s IDs in the delta migration in step #5 after you have imported any products from connected third-party system into M2.