Hi all, I have installed Basetheme.v1.2.1 as first step of manually installing Bookshop in Magento v1.9.1 and I receive the following error when accessing both front end and back end:
Warning: include(/<path>/includes/src/Wavethemes_Jmbasetheme_Model_Observer.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /<path>/includes/src/Varien_Autoload.php on line 94
#0 /<path>/includes/src/Varien_Autoload.php(94): mageCoreErrorHandler(2, ‘include(/home/p…’, ‘/<path>/…’, 94, Array)
#1 /<path>/includes/src/Varien_Autoload.php(94): Varien_Autoload::autoload()
#2 [internal function]: Varien_Autoload->autoload(‘Wavethemes_Jmba…’)
#3 [internal function]: spl_autoload_call(‘Wavethemes_Jmba…’)
#4 /<path>/includes/src/__default.php(24182): class_exists(‘Wavethemes_Jmba…’)
#5 /<path>/app/Mage.php(463): Mage_Core_Model_Config->getModelInstance(‘Wavethemes_Jmba…’, Array)
#6 /<path>/app/Mage.php(477): Mage::getModel(‘Wavethemes_Jmba…’, Array)
#7 /<path>/includes/src/__default.php(21770): Mage::getSingleton(‘Wavethemes_Jmba…’)
#8 /<path>/app/Mage.php(448): Mage_Core_Model_App->dispatchEvent(‘controller_acti…’, Array)
#9 /<path>/includes/src/__default.php(14031): Mage::dispatchEvent(‘controller_acti…’, Array)
#10 /<path>/includes/src/__default.php(13949): Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Action->generateLayoutBlocks()
#11 /<path>/includes/src/Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action.php(275): Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Action->loadLayout(NULL, true, true)
#12 /<path>/app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/controllers/DashboardController.php(40): Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action->loadLayout()
#13 /<path>/includes/src/__default.php(14098): Mage_Adminhtml_DashboardController->indexAction()
#14 /<path>/includes/src/__default.php(18482): Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Action->dispatch(‘index’)
#15 /<path>/includes/src/__default.php(18016): Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Router_Standard->match(Object(Mage_Core_Controller_Request_Http))
#16 /<path>/includes/src/__default.php(20808): Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Front->dispatch()
#17 /<path>/app/Mage.php(684): Mage_Core_Model_App->run(Array)
#18 /<path>/index.php(87): Mage::run(”, ‘store’)
#19 {main}
5 answers
Hi Nikos Batsioulas,
Are you enabled the Compilation mode in System/Tools/Compilation in back-end of your site?
Please disable it before you install a new extension and then you can enable it and re-run the Compilation.
Have a look and contact me if you need further assistance!
I did it and it worked… until I uploaded the bookshop theme files. Then I keep receiving this error (even if trying to get back to the basetheme only state by uninstalling the bookshop theme).
Warning: mkdir(): No such file or directory in <path>/app/code/local/Wavethemes/Jmbasetheme/Helper/Data.php on line 96
Hi Nikos Batsioulas,
I need a closer look to detect the root of issue. Please provide me url, admin and FTP credentials of your site.
Hi Nikos Batsioulas,
Warning: mkdir(): No such file or directory in <path>/app/code/local/Wavethemes/Jmbasetheme/Helper/Data.php on line 96
That because you are wrong config Design Tab in back-end of your site. I see you are config the Theme/Default is ‘jm_bookshop’
as in the screenshot http://awesomescreenshot.com/0854lue1e3
But you have not install the Jm_book theme to your site.
I have create a empty temp folder with named ‘Jm_book’ in your site at /app/design/frontend/default/. The issue was solved.
Also, you should re-config the Design information to the theme, which you are installed to your site.
Have a look and contact me if you need further assistance!