In my site, the bottom backgroud changes of color one in a while.
This happens after adding or changing products. Not while editing settings of the theme.
I keep cloning the theme, but about twice a day I have to set a new clone as default.
9 answers
So that we can try to best assist you, please provide the url of the site you’re working on
Our URL is
but I just saw it happens in your demo site aswell once in a while.
I have a backup (clone) which I put back everytime it happens.
So is the issue still occurring, or has it been resolved now?
Your site appeared to load/display fine when I viewed it just now.
Hi Tom,
We still have the problem at our site. We about every day, delete te actief profile, duplicate a profile to the new name, and save the configuration again.
What you see now at, is not what is should be.
Hope you can give me a tip to get to a solution.
regards Ron
What you see now at, is not what is should be.
Hope you can give me a tip to get to a solution.
regards Ron
What I need to know/see is how it should look/display.
the white/transparant background should be black, as our is now. changed it again. As it is in your demo aswell.
regards Ron
Any idear yet?