Think there’s also a bug on image path, i’ve configured /media/slideshow and it point to media/slideshow/media/slideshow/ on my homepage.
try with media/jmslideshow instead, and same error.
But it seems, that thumbnail is generate correctly.
Here’s my dev adress :
5 answers
Hi you
please see this image:…emme-homme.jpg
It is not exist. I think it is from your configuration. Could you give me your admin account for checking?
I’ve just send you in private
I have the same problem.
With Magento this module works like a charm but before update to 1.4 I disabled it, then I upgrade Mage and now I have this problem.
The configuration is the same
Have you already solved this?
Hi option2c
We are upgrading all templates to magento 1.4
I will inform on the forum when this event is done.
Thank you for your patience.
Amazing news! Thanks for your effort!
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