Yesterday I installed quickstart. It all works.
However, when I get the index error "Can not initialize the indexer process.".
I can not fix the problem, what can I do?
Thanks for the help
6 answers
Hi pelele,
Please follow this reference: http://www.magentocommerce.com/wiki/…_magento_admin
Hope this is what you’re looking for.
Hi Saguaros,
I tried the suggestion. The error is still unfortunately.
Thanks for the help
Hi Harald,
Could you try to re-index one-by-one and please tell me which one cause this issue?
Hi Saguaros,
The following will not work:
-- Product Prices
-- Product Flat Data
best regards
Hi Harald again,
The very first thing is REMEMBER to BACKUP your site before follow these steps:
1. With product prices, you could follow this thread: http://magenting.wordpress.com/2011/…rs-in-magento/
2. With product flat data:
-- You go to your database and find a table like: catalog_product_flat_1
-- Then run under SQL:
SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; DROP TABLE catalog_product_flat_1
Then reindex again.
If it still don’t work, make the same step with each table ‘catalog_product_flat_2’ and ‘catalog_product_flat_3’ (In my case,I success with the catalog_product_flat_1)
With the solution for flat product data worked.
The solutionfor product prices did not work unfortunately. But I have found the following solution which helped me to solve the problem:
Thanks for your help. I am always enthusiastic about the service.
best regards
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