I have already migrated all step through UB Data Migration tool. Due to some issue Mysql had crached so, we have again reinstalled MySQL and import database from .sql file, but currently database name and its password has been changed. Now Magento2 site is running fine but when i accessing UB Data Migration Pro tool then it is showing connection error. according to error message i have changed database information from ub_migrate_step table(Step1), but still showing Database connection error.
Note: Now, we have to only Migrate Step #6 and step #7.
Please suggest how to resolve this connection issue ASAP.
Error screen shot link: https://prnt.sc/o1c5yu
Hi,I am still waiting for reply.Please reply ASAP.Thanks,
1 answer
Hi there,
Please suggest how to resolve this connection issue ASAP.
Error screen shot link: https://prnt.sc/o1c5yu
You could reupdate the new databases credentials in the config file of our migration tool at path: