After installation. I receive the error ” CDbException CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection.” when I click on the UB Data Migration button. We are using nginx with Mysql MariaDB.
After reading other comments we have also installed php7.0-sqlite as I understand this might be required?
Magento version 2.1.5
PHP 7.0.18
MySQL: mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.0.29-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.2
Any information would be great thank you.
5 answers
Hi there,
After reading other comments we have also installed php7.0-sqlite as I understand this might be required?
Yes, the SQLite is not required in pro edition of our tool.
After installation. I receive the error ” CDbException CDbConnection failed to open the DB
Let’s provide me the admin credentials, ssh credentials and web root folder path of your Magento2. I will check further and help you out.
Hi there,
You just asked for us to send you ssh access, we work on a key based system without passwords for PCI compliance. Could you provide me with your public ssh key and I will get it added for you.
Many Thanks,
Bellow is my public ssh key:
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDMloNWDNg6ITfRZ2KaMwCW20xS6EZrk73TzW7VCXPi7TltOgFekoGTm5kGlc2G7YVjIf+Hb1mLThgmoYreTgs8irKJiCPCFVR2pkJFFw1/IOFd0v4/MuHmpa3J+66UxKP75gkqLk+h+HL5BzCYlEsej0OoNs+roF7Elz8WbtBwCVBW5M/w+BIyWNZkHKHuxZPj+X2pIVwaRIfgxlSZkeBjehXl/tMu3I4wVvIt8Fgz/MQ+hPjljTdMnBJJQIXtK2sDnqCfry9woMkZGSG4JubotWY5ZTNjWyeD3yhDT+v2gHjYmbDNtNBxMEr+Q4jtntcM1AqWabuGnSru2u01aG+F qvv@qvv-hp
Hey Mall,
We have updated pub/ub-tool/protected/config/db.php and pub/ub-tool/protected/config/db.tpl to match our database credentials. Now we are receiving a 502 Bad Gateway error.
Many Thanks,
Hi there,
Now we are receiving a 502 Bad Gateway error.
How about that issue in your working? That is a issue with web server. Kindly contact to your hosting provider to get help about that issue.