Change EasyShop's Colors Menu

Can someone please provide some direction on adding additional colors to the "EasyShop’s Colors" menu and also some direction on changing the title of that menu.

I tried adding a new color.css file to css\colors\ but that alone did not do anything to the color selection menu.


1 answer

Profile photo of thangnn1510 0.00 $tone February 3, 2011

Dear hellige!

This is some directions on adding additional colors to the "EasyShop’s colors" menu:

-- Create new css file and name it: example: red.css. Put it in skin\frontend\default\your_theme\css\colors.

-- Create new directory to contain images. Example: red and put it in skin\frontend\default\your_theme\images

-- Add new color to the site by edit ja_vars.php in app\design\frontend\default\your_themetemplate\pa ge:Edit line 28:

PHP Code:

$_params->set('ja_color','default');//default, red, blue 


PHP Code:

$_params->set('ja_color','red');//default, red, blue 

Edit line 46:

PHP Code:

$tmpTools->setColorThemes (array('default','green','ocean','orange','purple')); 


PHP Code:

$tmpTools->setColorThemes (array('default','green','ocean','orange','purple''red')); 

-- You could change title of colors menu in app\design\frontend\default\your_themetemplate\ca talognavigationtop.phtml.

Hope this helps and good luck!


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