I would like to change the JM Produts part of the HOME page.
I have only 5 products on the home page.
I would change it to obtain 10 products the same page Women’s or Men’s.
Thank for your help.
Best regards.
12 answers
Go to System -> Configuration -> JM Products -> JM Products: Config General Tab -> set "# Qty of products" to "10"
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Thank for your response, i tried your solution but i don’t get what i want.
I want to have the homepage exactly like an image attached.
Attachment 16390
Do you need it in home page or Inner page ?
If in Inner page go to System -> Configuration -> Catalog -> Frontend Tab
In this Tab you have all the option to control the product counts in Womens and Mens Page.
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I need it in home page? Do you undestand my request?
Do you need the products of a specific category to be displayed on the home page ?
you need images 2 in a row and not as list. Please confirm.
you get me, i need 2 images in a row and not list.
Like attached images.Attachment 16413
On the top little, after images and the down price, add to cart, add to wishlist, add to compare
Go to System -> Configuration -> JM Products -> JM Products: Config General Tab -> set "# Number of items/rows (or columns)" to "2"
Clean Magento Cache
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If this too doesn’t work, Please post your admin details with the admin Url. I will bring it for you.
I developed the website on a locale.
I have more espace between image and title.
Attachment 16418
How i can do to reduce it.
Go to this File: http://localhost.com/current/joomlar…/css/theme.css
Find this Code and replace it with
.lst-image { float: left; }
.lst-image { float: left; min-height:280px !important; }
Try this
I got it, thank you for your help.
you are most welcome Balla