Hi Does anyone know how to change the link in JACATSLWI from the artcile to another URL say Magento?
5 answers
Can anyone help me with this:
I know it’s a JA Sulfur issue, but relates to JM Sulfur ?
Hi deanandeva
This module does not support your idea.It only links to an article
I am sorry for not being of much help in the case.
Hi deanandeva
This module does not support your idea.It only links to an article
I am sorry for not being of much help in the case.
Thats a shame Im sure most people that have paid heaps for JM templates and want the styled like the demo would want the images to link to JM !!!!
I think I found the code in line 11 of default.php but cant figure how to change the link?
Now Im going to have to find an extension that will do it!, anyone have any suggestions?
You could always use a wrapper.
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