Ja Sulfur comes with the default template (style). What if I want the blue template? How can I change?
5 answers
I had this problem too, you just need to enable the style switcher in the template manager, then publish the "Styles" menu link on the main menu. Go to the homepage, refresh and select your style from the main menu drop down and then disable the style switcher and "Styles" menu item again.
Can you not just select your desired style in the template manager?
By using the style switcher (And this is a guess) I believe you are just putting a cookie on your desktop which is selecting your desired style. If you then view your site from a different browser you will still see the default.
Ja Sulfur comes with the default template (style). What if I want the blue template? How can I change?
open your tamplate: see right side with parram: template styles: sellect your sttyle
and open your site with other browser or press Ctrl + F5 (clean your browser cache + refresh) again
hello and thanks for your help but I have another issue also. What is the API Key and the application secret for the facebook connect in the global configuration. Can someone help.
I’m sorry but being new to Magneto the option to switch site styles seems very hard. Currently I did a quickstart to install everything. In the backend of the site I see that I can go to
System > Config > Design and see the template here. Is this where you adjust the coloring of the template?
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