I have created my site using JM Wall quickstart package. Once I changed the cms>Pages> JM Wall entry which is related to the front page, and tried to save it, it indicated that the Content (from the Content tab) is mandatory! I just put the character a in the content field so I managed to save the entry, but now the "a" appears under the slideshow on the front page. Any ideas how I could overcome this problem please. You can view my site at: http://www.sueproctor.com/magento/maromausa/.
Thank you.
2 answers
Hi susanp,
When you are there, click at the show /hide Editor button to hide the editor then you can put at the field a html tag, e.g
Just put there a div tag <div></div>
Hope you got it !
Hi, Sherlock,
I did what you advised and it worked perfectly well. Thank you very much.
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