Can anyone assist in changing the logo, I need a custom sized logo which is 500×150. I cannot find a styles.css file anywhere in the jm_epidio folders.
1 answer
Can anyone assist in changing the logo, I need a custom sized logo which is 500×150. I cannot find a styles.css file anywhere in the jm_epidio folders.
Solved: For anyone interested:
1. Open folder /skin/frontend/default/jm_epidio/images/header_bg.jpg
2. Edit image height to suit you logo’s height.
3. Open .css file /skin/frontend/default/jm_epidio/css/theme.css
4. Chage #ja-header .main height setting to the same as your height used for the header_bg.jpg file.
Remember to adjust your logo’s sizes as well in the same theme.css file (h1#logo a)
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