I’m trying to create a custom homepage layout for the mobile template.
Right now the mobile template contains the product categories in the main content section.
What I want to acheive is having 3 custom links on the mobile homepage (where the categories currently appear) like:
About Us ——————————Links to ———————-> About us Page
Product Categories ——————————Links to ———————-> The current homepage showing the product categories
Login/Register ——————————Links to ———————-> login page
So far i have editied the file here:
\app\design\frontend\default\jm_natris_iphonetemp late\page\1column.phtml
and added the custom links no problem, but this really has not done the job…
I almost need to make a custom homepage for the mobile version only…but have no idea how to proceed.
Am i on the right track, or is there another method to do this?
2 answers
Sorry for this late reply, somehow i missed this one, you mean you wanna make custom for displaying in iPhone or Android phone? Because if you view it in mobile with Android, it’s much the same as what you want.
Hi There,
No I just wanted a different menu structure when the iPhone template was applied.
I worked around the issue by creating a second store with a customised menu/category system.
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