after migrating customers -- customer index stays as processing after reindex.
reindexing from terminal shows like ‘ Customer Grid index is locked by another reindex process. Skipping.’
we can see in database not in admin.
9 answers
Hi thisisadam
customer index stays as processing after reindex.
reindexing from terminal shows like ‘ Customer Grid index is locked by another reindex process. Skipping.’
I maybe comes from you have limited of RAM in processing of indexer with your customer data.
Let’s try re-setting to up the Memory limit and do reindex again.
And tell me known how it goes.
we have increased server ram 512 MB to 4 GB and set -1 as memory limit in php.ini. Still, we have the same issue
Customer Grid index is locked by another reindex process. Skipping.
That issue in your working because you have more special case with value of customer_name contain two spaces:” ”
And to handle that, i have added more tweak code in the php file at:
I have replace the code line:
$model2->customer_name = $model->shipping_name;
by the code line:
$model2->customer_name = trim($model->shipping_name);
And the issue was solved in your working:
(FYI: i have run for testing only)
Now you can continue with data migration in the step #7 with our tool.
Hi thisisadam,
customer grid reindex status processing
To solve that, let’s try manual update status to ‘valid’ with indexer has indexer_id is ‘customer_grid’ in the table named ‘indexer_state’ in database of your Magento 2.
And then, try re-index your customer data with command line: php -f bin/magento indexer:reindex customer_grid
And tell me know how it goes.
1. The customer grid reindex is working fine after reindex but still we are missing some datas (123 datas missing).
Can you explain more information about the ‘123 datas missing’ as you said?
2. Now there’s another problem while importing orders. The error is “Mage2SalesOrder: Remote Ip is too long (maximum is 32 characters)”. i have also increased the value of field in these two tables “quote and sales_order”.
That issue comes from you have bad data with remote_id field in the database of Magento 1. (new rules of Magento 2)
To solve that, let’s open the php file at the path: `pub/ub-tool/protected/controllers/Step7Controller.php`
and find the the code line:
if (in_array($key, array('store_name', 'shipping_method', 'x_forwarded_for')) AND strlen($val) > 32) {
and replace it by code line:
if (in_array($key, array('store_name', 'shipping_method', 'x_forwarded_for', 'remote_ip')) AND strlen($val) > 32) {
4. In magento 1.9 we had the options for image order. But after migrating the product images are not in order.
Please re-check. Our tool has not change the sort order of your products images. Maybe issue come from new working rules of Magento 2 with product media listing. (You can check this directly in the database migrated)
Also while editing product the price field is missing
To solve that, for each your Attribute Set migrated you have to open it and compare structure of it with the ‘Default’ Attribute Set of Magento core. And then you can re-structure of that Attribute Set. You can rename/drag/drop Attribute Groups/ Attributes…
You can see more at this video:
(I have do as a example with your attribute set with named ‘Ring Migrated’)
Also i can see some of the custom options of the products are duplicated (i.e) repeated three times. please check the url . The Product SKU is — S/121278-OV
I don’t know why you get this.
Now, let’s try reset all steps and restart data migration in all step with our tool.
And please do some extra steps as i have explained above.
And tell me know how it goes.
Fixed by using this command:
php -d memory_limit=-1 bin/magento indexer:reindex
Hi there,
Yeah, you have use that cli command because your server’s setting has limited memory.
Let’s continue and contact me if you need further assistance.