Customer Reviews being attributed to extra items

I have a single review for one product only, but in the most reviewed section on the home page this review is attributed to other products, when you click on the read review button on the other products it takes you to the product that actually has the review.
How can this be changed so it only shows products in the most reviewed that have actual reviews attributed to them ?

6 answers

Profile photo of Saguaros 0.00 $tone September 6, 2012

Hi Stuart,

To make it clearer, do you mean that when you add a new review to 1 product, then in the home page, this new review also appears in other products, right?

If not, could you describe the steps you’ve taken so far so we can determine how to assist ?


Profile photo of Stuart Osborne 0.00 $tone September 6, 2012

Hi Saguaros
Only one item in my whole database has a review which is the whitle kettle,, but on the front page all the items appear to have a review, if you click on say the toaster item review it takes you to the actual white kettle review.
I think i also have a problem with the three blocks latest products/most viewed/most reviewed as they all show the same details regardless of what you do they all seem to change the same example: however many times i view a particular product, say red kettle 10 times, toaster 5 times they do not change the order on the most viewed column.

Profile photo of Saguaros 0.00 $tone September 7, 2012

Hi Stuart,

-- When I go to product: Allure Toaster, it seems doesnot have the same review in product: Stylish White Kettle

-- About the most viewed product, I’ve updated for this extension, please try again to view an item in different browser, I checked in my local and it works properly.


Profile photo of Stuart Osborne 0.00 $tone September 11, 2012

Hi Saguaros

Thanks for your help again, yes with the review that is exactly the problem, every item appears to have a review when you look at the front page, but only the stylish white kettle has the review, If you click on the review by toaster it takes you to the kettle review, this is not right, everything apart from the whitle kettle should show 0 reviews.



Profile photo of Saguaros 0.00 $tone October 1, 2012

Dear Stuart,

Did you try to switch the default theme from JM Adamite to the default magento theme? and let me know whether this issue still persists or not.

This thread was missed to reply and I apology for the same.



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