Do you have a JM Ores manual. I need to choose the template colour I want. I want to apply light. How do I do this?
How do I edit the URLs?
Need help customizing this template.
2 answers
Dear Joy!
Do you have a JM Ores manual. I need to choose the template colour I want. I want to apply light. How do I do this?
Please open the file: app\design\frontend\default\jm_morganitetemplate\ page\ja_vars.php and try to find codes:
PHP Code:
$_params->set('ja_color','default');//default, red, blue
you replace:
PHP Code:
Please kindly explain the following issue in detail;
How do I edit the URLs?
HTML Code:
Do you have a JM Ores manual
Please read read userguide in this thread
While you are customizing , you have any problem ,please post those issues in here
Dear Joy
Your question:
. I need to deactivate the navigation item "Ore’s Colors" in the JM Ores demo shop installed for me by you.
Please resolve this issue as follow:
Please open the file: app\design\frontend\default\jm_orestemplate\catal ognavigationtop.phtml
and try to find code:
at line 170:
PHP Code:
<li class="level0" onmouseout="toggleMenu(this,0)" onmouseover="toggleMenu(this,1)" >
<a href="#"><span>Ores's Color</span></a>
<?php echo $tmpTools->genToolMenu ($tmpTools->getParam('usertool_color'),'txt'); ?>
and at line 193:
PHP Code:
<li id="parent_menu9999" class="level0" onmouseout="toggleMenu(this,0);" onmouseover="toggleMenu(this,1); hideAllMenu(); displayChildMenu('9999'); " >
<a href="#"><span>Ores's Color</span></a>
and at line 228:
PHP Code:
echo '<div class="subnav-item" id="child_menu9999" style="display:none" onmouseover="hideAllMenu(); displayChildMenu(\'9999\');">';
echo $tmpTools->genToolMenu ($tmpTools->getParam('usertool_color'),'txt');
echo '</div>';
Please remve them into the template