I have run into a couple problems using Data Migration Pro 3.0.0 and 3.0.1. Using both versions of the tool I can not seem to be able to import all the categories from the Magento 1.8.1 installation. Well I think they are importing because they appear to be tagged on products when I view a single product. When I go to “Products->Categories” or view the menu on the front end they just do not appear. (Do not appear in the back end to make them visible or hidden)
I am also having an issue importing sales data with version 3.0.1 and it gets stuck on 71% for much much longer than with 3.0.0.
Is there a known issue with either of these points and if so how do I fix them?
John G
10 answers
Hi tresgol,
I have checked your Magento 2 site at http://sandbox.attitudesboutique.com.au
And i don’t see you install our tool in that: http://i.prntscr.com/085c61237ff34044ab2e23cb4ed6c094.png
Pls: Latest version of our tool now is v3.0.2, let’s download it and install to your working and follow steps in the guide of our tool in readme.txt to migrate your data. And let’s me know if you get any issues with our tool.
Also, the latest version of the Magento 2 CE is v2.1.2, why you still use the old version 2.0.10 in your working now?
Please have a look and contact me if you need further assistance!
Hi tresgol,
Please re-check categories migrated in your database. In back-end of our tool that categories was marked as migrated as you can see:
Also, can you re-try once more with a latest Magento 2 CE 2.1.2 instance now? Maybe that issue come from a issue of the Magento CE 2.0.10 in your working.
Hi tresgol
I have checked your working and see the root of the issue as you mentioned come from a special case of data in the table `catalog_category_entity
` some categories with parent_id are categories which added after added the child. (maybe this come after you have drag,drop in the categories tree after you created that)
Example for these categories in the database in your M1: http://i.prntscr.com/a05cc2b75af74870a9ee3a43585dfd84.png
And that is the root of the issue, our tool can not gets correct parent_id for these categories when migrating.
To handle this case, please do steps as below:
Step 1: Open the php file at the path: pub/ub-tool/protected/controllers/Step4Controller.php
and find to the code line:
$categories = UBMigrate::getListObjects('Mage1CatalogCategoryEntity', $condition, $offset, $this->limit, "entity_id ASC");
and replace it by code lines:
$categories = UBMigrate::getListObjects('Mage1CatalogCategoryEntity', $condition, $offset, $this->limit, "parent_id ASC, entity_id ASC");
And i have added more that tweak code for your working at /public_v3 folder.
Let’s re-start data migration in all steps from step #4 in your working and let’s me know how it goes.