is a disappointment, I paid $ 120 in magento theme to take questions and needed support but the system never Reply my mail, open multiple tickets and did not respond,see my request:
my site theme with JM Purity is among the first on google in the category of products that sell here. But the title of the site is on google: JM 1ST APPROACH how remove it and change for name my site?
5 answers
have you explored though your Magento backend?
Also, try posting your inquiry on the Magento support forum as well -- a bit more targeted there.
Yes, that TITLE is not available for modification in the Admin, I believe that at some theme file purposely added to increase the popularity JM Purity for search engines. This is unfair because I have the right to choose what should appear in my theme when you search my products ….. I’ll wait 3 more days and open dispute in paypal!
That should be in a header like same with Joomla meta information. When people do not remove all the Joomla related or also Template club meta info or the footer from all the files, Google will display those sites that really only use Joomla when someone googles for it. That is normal. So, in your case, you should look through the index files and the others and remove those like when it is a Joomla site.
Hope this helps!
look through the index files and remove the words its for joomla can add meta tags to index files.look through the magento back end
For this case, please go to the link to referring
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