Default Currency

I have set my default currency as Indian Rupees. The symbol for Indian Rupees in Magento is Rp. But actually we use symbol Rs.

Is it possible to change the symbol from Rp to Rs.

4 answers

Profile photo of Heng CHeong Kum 0.00 $tone March 11, 2010

This is for English I presume.

At about line 3151,

HTML Code:

<currency type="INR">
    <displayName>Indian Rupee</displayName>
    <displayName count="one">Indian rupee</displayName>
    <displayName count="other">Indian rupees</displayName>

Change to

HTML Code:

<currency type="INR">
    <displayName>Indian Rupee</displayName>
    <displayName count="one">Indian rupee</displayName>
    <displayName count="other">Indian rupees</displayName>

The ‘abc’ you may change to any symbols you prefer.


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