Hello There,
Can you tell me if it is normal for a delta migration on step 5 to take as long as the initial migration?
We have only added about 5000 new products to our catalog of 210,000 so I would expect it to take much less time however it has been running for almost 24 hours now. The intial migration took 4 days
Thank you
3 answers
Hi there,
We have only added about 5000 new products to our catalog of 210,000 so I would expect it to take much less time however it has been running for almost 24 hours now. The intial migration took 4 days
The migration time depends on the volume of your data and your server’s performance. And the migration time of products also depends on the products’ settings too.
The fact that it takes 24 hours to migrate a total of 5000 products (as you said) is very slow. And this is strange.
How did you run the delta migration? What is the version of our module in your instance?
Did you finish delta migration in step #5? If yes, did you see all products in the latest M1 DB being migrated to your M2 DB?
We are using
UB Data Migration Pro (CE) -- 3.2.4
We run “php -f bin/ubdatamigration run --step=5 --mode=update” as Delta migration.
But it took 7days.. forever running.. not finish.
The main issue is First that this migration doesn’t work with delta. it is working from initial data.
The main issue is Second that when the MySQL gone issue, If we run “php -f bin/ubdatamigration run --step=5 --mode=update” again, it start from 1st Product. not Continue.
This is ub_migrate_step table.
This is ub_migrate_map_step_5 table
All item created_time is 2020-10-12 (Old time)
Please check this critical issue.
Thank you.