I like the style of this template and would like to purchase it, but the demo on this site won’t let you add items to the cart (unlike other demos)…that doesn’t bode well for the template. Does this template work in the "real world"?
2 answers
And I was just told today that if the demo didn’t work, I would recieve a full refund. There ya go.
IDoes this template work in the "real world"?
Not for me. But i cannot say much or they will ban me again.
Yes and many people have been very pleased with this template. The template on the demo site just showcases all the features. As I am sure you can appreciate, JA would not want to set up payment portal for each template and prodict. Can you imagine the mess it would cause if people kept trying to buy those dummy products.
Please ignore the comments from rjspence above. As he is not a member of the Magento club, just the Joomla club. He has not tried this template unless he is using a pirate version. If that is the case then that could be why he cannot get it to work.
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