Different layout for product page?Hi,


I’ve noticed settings in the category configuration that let one select alternative page layouts (empty, one column, two columns with right-bar, etc, etc.) However, when selecting one of these it doesn’t have any impact on the page layout. Am I doing something wrong, or is this template not set up to read those settings? I have it set to apply to products.

I can get the layout changes to work if I apply them directly onto the product config though.

1 answer

Profile photo of Sherlock 0.00 $tone February 10, 2014

@ ninjaprecision,

You mean the selected page layout at category configuration has no impact to the product page layout? Could you please explain a little bit more details?

Also you can pm me url, admin and FTP credentials of your site, I will have a closer look. I have just installed a demo of JM siotis and did not see the mentioned problem.


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