My problem is that although JM Slideshow off from its general configuration, this module still appears. Besides that appears on every page of the site when it should show only the principal.
My template is JA Lead
Can someone help?
Sorry about my English, this is automatically translated from Spanish.
A greeting.
4 answers
Hello again,
My installation is a new facility through QuickStart JM_Lead (mage_1_3_2_4_ja_jmtclead.zip)
I have not made significant changes except for some configurations.
As I said:
I can not disable the module, although I always turn off this sample.
The module is shown in absolutely every page of the site.
<!-- TOP BANNER --> <div id="ja-banner-top" class="wrap"> <div class="main clearfix"> <?php $jmslideshow = $this->getChildHtml('jmslideshow'); if ($jmslideshow && $tmpTools->isHomepage()) : ?> <?php echo $jmslideshow ?> <?php endif; ?> </div> </div> <!-- //TOP BANNER -->
It’s like $ tmpTools-> isHomepage () always respond that it homepage
The server that is running IIS
Can someone help?
Hi eldajoven
please kindly try to fix this issue with my guider:
+ Open app\code\local\JoomlArt\JmSlideshow\Helper\Data.ph p file, change this content of file to:
<?php /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ # $JA#PRODUCT_NAME$ - Version $JA#VERSION$ - Licence Owner $JA#OWNER$ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright (C) 2004-2009 J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # @license - Copyrighted Commercial Software # Author: J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd # Websites: http://www.joomlart.com - http://www.joomlancers.com # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class JoomlArt_JmSlideshow_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract { function getAll($attributes){ $data = array(); $arrayParams = array('show', 'title', 'folder', 'startItem', 'mainWidth', 'mainHeight', 'showdesc', 'showdescwhen', 'readmoretext', 'duration', 'animation', 'navigation', 'thumbWidth', 'thumbHeight', 'thumbSpace', 'showItem', 'control', 'autoplay', 'interval', 'thumbOpacity', 'descOpacity', 'overlapOpacity', 'description'); foreach ($arrayParams as $var){ if(isset($attributes[$var])){ $data[$var] = $attributes[$var]; } $data[$var] = Mage::getStoreConfig("joomlart_jmslideshow/joomlart_jmslideshow/$var"); } return $data; } function get($var, $attributes){ if(isset($attributes[$var])){ return $attributes[$var]; } return Mage::getStoreConfig("joomlart_jmproductsslider/joomlart_jmproductsslider/$var"); } } ?>
+ Open app\code\local\JoomlArt\JmSlideshow\Block\List.php file, please find this function:
public function __construct($attributes = array()){ $helper = Mage::helper('joomlart_jmslideshow/data'); $this->_show = $helper->get('show', $attributes); if(!$this->_show) return; parent::__construct(); $this->_config = $helper->get($attributes); }
and change to:
public function __construct($attributes = array()){ $helper = Mage::helper('joomlart_jmslideshow/data'); $this->_show = $helper->get('show', $attributes); if(!$this->_show) return; parent::__construct(); $this->_config = $helper->getAll($attributes); }
Hello again,
I apologize for taking so long respoder, but because of other problems had had to stop the project.
The first thank you for your help, I made the changes indicated but I get the same result, JM Slideshow module has its own life, no matter which disables it from your configuration that are still showing up in the payment processing pages .
Is it possible that I have touched a module player and disobedient?
Or perhaps it can be something else?
I am also starting to investigate extreme slowness problems with this template, because once it is established that processing problem and tested the default template, with which it works pretty well, I think there must be some kind of problem with the template Since it is fully recharged in each application and corresponding with the delay, the caches operate as normal, if it can not incur the current topic.
Thank you for your attention.
Hi eldajoven
Please submit a ticket, send us your live url, admin account, ftp account so that we have a closer look on the issue.
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