i have lot more categories in left side categories and i manage to set it bit longer than current demo.so my issue is its maga menu displaying in sub pages.so if there is much categories main menu is dividing as 2 rows.so i would like to do this.i need to display normal main menu which displaying in demo home page to all the site.how it can be done?
not clear…please refer the screenshot
what i need is display this homepage menu for all the other site pages
And other thing i am experiencing is some times added images are not fully rendered and showing in front page.
14 answers
Hi web2solutions,
Could you provide here your url for taking a look ? also if I am correct then what you are wanting is to display the top menu items in all pages ?
My url. i have posted via support ticket.please see the ticket mate.as you told i need to show top menu for all the pages
My url. i have posted via support ticket.please see the ticket mate.as you told i need to show top menu for all the pages
When you go to the category/product list pages there is another real megamenu there at the top, how the two menus can display at one place mate ?
No need to keep 2 mega menus mate.just simply this.normally there is one mega menu coming into left side and just need to keep it there and keep the main page menu static block for all the pages
No need to keep 2 mega menus mate.just simply this.normally there is one mega menu coming into left side and just need to keep it there and keep the main page menu static block for all the pages
ok mate, you can try as following
1) Go to edit your home cms page, at the field of Layout Update XML you remove this block tag
HTML Code:
<reference name="tops0"> <block type="cms/block" name="position-1"> <action method="setBlockId"><block_id>position-1</block_id></action> </block> </reference>
2) open the page layout file app\design\frontend\default\jm_megamall\layout\pag e.xml you look for this block tag
HTML Code:
<block type="core/profiler" output="toHtml" name="core_profiler"/>
right above it you add this tag
HTML Code:
<reference name="tops0"> <block type="cms/block" name="position-1"> <action method="setBlockId"><block_id>position-1</block_id></action> </block> </reference>
also on that file you look for and remove this tag
HTML Code:
<block type="core/text_list" name="top.menu" as="topMenu" translate="label"> <label>Navigation Bar</label> <block type="page/html_topmenu" name="catalog.topnav" template="page/html/topmenu.phtml"/> </block>
3) open the folder app\design\frontend\default\jm_megamalltemplate\p age you go to edit those tempalte files of 2columns-left.phtml and 2columns-right.phtml, there you would see this
HTML Code:
<!-- BEGIN: toolbar --> <div id="jm-head" class="wrap clearfix"> <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('jmtoolbar') ?> </div> <!-- END: toolbar -->
right below it you add
HTML Code:
<?php if ($this->getChildHtml('tops0')) : ?> <!-- TOP SPOTLIGHT --> <div id="jm-mnutop" class="jm-menu-top wrap clearfix"> <div class="main col1-set"> <div class="inner clearfix"> <div class="jm-megamenu"> <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('tops0') ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- //TOP SPOTLIGHT --> <?php endif; ?>
I hope those changes help !
This is really life saver mate.its working well.
Amazing one!!!
P.s. sherlock! any ideea on hot to hide on all other pages except the home page the menu?! I have the css no problem but where do inpyt the css class type… what i wanna do is like in this page: http://dedeman.ro/ see the menu is only in home page and it is hidden in the rest:
and the any other pages goes like this:
Any ideea on how to make it for MegaMall?
Many thanks!
p.s. I did all the steps you posted Sherlock, But there is still left to edit it. If i resize the window and check it for mobile. The off-canvas menu does not show any category up!
QUOTE]P.s. sherlock! any ideea on hot to hide on all other pages except the home page the menu?! I have the css no problem but where do inpyt the css class type… what i wanna do is like in this page: http://dedeman.ro/ see the menu is only in home page and it is hidden in the rest:
and the any other pages goes like this:
Any ideea on how to make it for MegaMall?
This would need pretty much customisation to achieve that, you can find a freelancer to get help on this.
p.s. I did all the steps you posted Sherlock, But there is still left to edit it. If i resize the window and check it for mobile. The off-canvas menu does not show any category up!
Go to the skin\frontend\default\jm_megamall\js\off-canvas.js file, change:
HTML Code:
$("#jm-megamenu ul.level0").clone().appendTo($nav);
HTML Code:
if($("#jm-megamenu ul.level0").length > 0){ $("#jm-megamenu ul.level0").clone().appendTo($nav); }else{ $("#jm-mnutop .jm-megamenu ul").clone().appendTo($nav); }
Hope it helps.
This would need pretty much customisation to achieve that, you can find a freelancer to get help on this.
Could your Or JoomlArt think of a time and price for this? -- if this is possible i would better hire JoomlArt for modifications of it’s template then look up for a freelancer but is gonna cost double in time and money just in order to study how you organized the template and magento itself.
P.s. if there will be an update of the template i may loose most of the changes…
p.p.s. Thank you very much for the canvas error! it is solved!
p.p.p.s. http://v2.bicomplex.md/index.php/cum-sa
-- It’s the news feed i created thnx to a component; But as you will see the menu disappears! when i am in this news feed. I can not find any mistake in firebug or smth…
in any other page then Homepage you can notice that there is a gap in css see the link http://prntscr.com/31xi0w
QUOTE]p.p.p.s. http://v2.bicomplex.md/index.php/cum-sa
-- It’s the news feed i created thnx to a component; But as you will see the menu disappears! when i am in this news feed. I can not find any mistake in firebug or smth…
Please check again layout file of that component, make sure it does not override the top menu you mentioned.
in any other page then Homepage you can notice that there is a gap in css see the link http://prntscr.com/31xi0w
Please open the skin/frontend/default/jm_megamall/css/styles.css file, find this css rule:
HTML Code:
#mainnav-inner { clear: both; float: left; margin: 10px 0 0; width: 100%; }
Change it to:
HTML Code:
#mainnav-inner { clear: both; display: none; float: left; margin: 10px 0 0; width: 100%; }
Please check again layout file of that component, make sure it does not override the top menu you mentioned.
I have checked and i can not find anything that would override it..
Please open the skin/frontend/default/jm_megamall/css/styles.css file, find this css rule:
Thank you very much it solved my problem.
Emm another problem Sherlock
v2.bicomplex.md -- After i did the changes you said yes everything worked but if i am in any cubcategory of hte catalog or any item you jsut can not seee the menu on any tablet or mobile device!
I tried smth but it did not work..
Please go to the skin/frontend/default/jm_megamall/css/layout-mobile.css file, find this css rule
HTML Code:
#mainnav-inner { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 [URL=http://www.joomlart.com/forums/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=009BCB]#009BCB[/URL] padding: 10px 0; }
and change it to
HTML Code:
#mainnav-inner { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 [URL=http://www.joomlart.com/forums/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=009BCB]#009BCB[/URL] padding: 10px 0; display:block !important; }
Hope it helps.
Worked perefctly! thank you!
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