Editing the JM Pixeri Main Menu

In another thread someone asked about editing the magento main menu. It referenced editing the file:


~/www/app/design/frontend/default/jm_pixeri/template/catalog $ ls -l
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 6 sboyles sboyles 4096 May 27 02:28 product
embrazio.com: ~/www/app/design/frontend/default/jm_pixeri/template/catalog $

However neither that file nor the navigation folder exist in pixeri. I looked around for something similar, different name, but no dice.

1 answer

Profile photo of Saguaros 0.00 $tone May 28, 2012

Hi bobmeetin,

In this magento theme, we don’t override this top.phtml file so that you won’t see at that directory. It will call the base file of magento in : \app\design\frontend\base\defaulttemplate\catalog navigationtop.phtml If you want to override this file you can simply copy this base file to default theme’s folder.



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