Error 404 – Xampp after install

I have just installed this product and tried using it.  I have received a 404 error from the back end fresh after install.  I am working on a local enviroment, using Xampp and all permissions are allowed.  I have compiled, reindex, cached and redeployed static data.  Nothing is working to correct this error.  All data files seem to be in place including index.php and .htaccess. 

6 answers

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone March 9, 2017

Hi Apexsupplies,
We wonder if you use NGINX webserver? If that’s the case, please follow the configuration step #4. SERVER CONFIGURATION (For Nginx Server only) in the Readme.txt file (in your download package).
In case the issue still remains, kindly let us know.
Ubertheme team 

Profile photo of apexsupplies 30.00 $tone March 9, 2017

Thanks for the reply but no, the localhost is Xampp which is by default Apache. I have checked all your questions already and run the instructions.  The case most definitely still remains. Fresh install error 404 on Apache followed install instructions to a T. 

Profile photo of apexsupplies 30.00 $tone March 9, 2017

Just an update, completely uninstalled and reinstall module, same problem.  I have updated modules, compiled, cleared cache, reindexed, redeployed static content and even tried simply logging out of admin and back in as was often the case with Magento 1.x.. Still error 404.  Did notice if I type the direct location(pub/ub-tool etc) for the index.php I got a CHttpException error in relation to Yii?

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone March 10, 2017

Hi Apexsupplies,
Could you please setup a new Magento 2 instance online and re-install our migration tool? It’s hard to debug the root of issue while you work on your local environment. 
Actually, users who purchased our tool had no issue with installation. And almost of them work on staging server where we can provide help in case they run across issues during the migration process (mainly due to M1 non-standard database issues).
Ubertheme team

Profile photo of Will Laskowsky 20.00 $tone March 18, 2017

Hello, I am having the same issue on fresh install 2 times, with the Lite first, now with the Pro. I ordered the installation when I bought the Pro, however in the meantime, I have been trying to get it to work. The whole Magento (2.1.5) site seems to be working great but everytime I click UB Data Migration Pro (3.0.6) in the admin side bar it returns “whoops our bad” 404. I have made sure all the permissions are either 755 or 644, and tried

  • php –f bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • php bin/magento indexer:reindex
  • php bin/magento cache:clean
  • php bin/magento setup:di:compile


Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone March 18, 2017

Hi Will Laskowsky,
Does your server is Nginx? If yes, you have to do some extra settings as indicated in our guide in the Readme.txt
Other case, kindly provide me the admin credentials, ssh credentials and web root folder path of your Magento2.
I will check further and help you out.


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