Error 500 mysqli_connect():

I have recently purchased the UB Data Migration Pro tool and had a few teething issues. I was able to get it working on a test machine (another server at a different hosting company) but now that I think I am happy with it I went to try it on my production machine. 
I am getting the following error when I try saving the database information which I don’t understand. I have checked and double checked the mysqli version on both servers and they are identical! (v5.6.31)

Error 500
mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50547 Library:50631

Are there any modifications I can make to the module to get it to work?
John G
FYI: The clean Magento 2 front end and back end appear to be loading with no problems.

3 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone September 15, 2016

Hi tresgol,
That issue come from the MySQL in your server. To solve that issue let’s find a workaround at here:
Let’s do it and tell me know how it goes.

Profile photo of Admin Staff -30640.00 $tone September 16, 2016

Hi John,
Please go ahead to ask for help from your hosting provider. 
Actually, some of our users who purchased our UB Data Migration Pro run across issues with server configuration, however these could be resolved. 
In some case, the database had bad data portion as well, but they worked closely with our team and could get the migration done successfully. 
So just keep us informed on any issue you might have, we’re willing to help. 
Kind regards,
An Nguyen


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