i wanted to re-migrate products, but all my steps are “skipped”.
I have already done all steps succesfully, but now I have to do all steps again.
And if I want to do step 2, I get this error:
Error 500
Trying to get property of non-object
Kind regards,
Ioannis Savvidis
10 answers
Hi there,
Kindly provide me the admin credentials, ssh credentials and web root path of your Magento2.
I will check further and help reply you more later.
Hi there,
I have checked your working and see this:
i wanted to re-migrate products, but all my steps are “skipped”.
That because you clicked to skip buttons in steps of our tool after the first migration. Why did you do this?
but now I have to do all steps again.
Seem you did data migration in first time with a difference Magento1’s database with current Magento1’s database (booboobo_magento) ?
I see there are websites and stores migrated by our tool in first time: http://i.prntscr.com/LB_J56iAQICLnV33AEeUdg.png
But now there are not selected websites/stores/store views in settings tab in step #2 of our tool http://i.prntscr.com/fib7wDpiRHeOgyZ16CLhAQ.png
That is a strange. Can you explain more about this? What did you do after the first migration with our tool.
Can you do reset all steps and restart data migration in all steps with our tool now?
I didn’t click on the skipped button. I only start the migrate process over the CLI.
For internal reasons I copied the database of the Magento 1.9.
For that reason, before the second migration I had to copy the database again to get the current data.
It is the “same” database like in the first migration, only with the current data.
If I click on the reset button, I get this message again:
The first you need to finish settings in the step #2.
Kind regards
Hi there,
If I click on the reset button, I get this message again:
The first you need to finish settings in the step #2.
For your case, you should do reset all steps by use following CLI command:
php -f bin/ubdatamigration reset
Once done, let’s redo data migration in all steps as our guide.
how much time will the reset takes?
I have 16000 products and 6000 orders in the database.
Kind regards.
Hi there,
how much time will the reset takes?
This depends your server’s performance.
I have 16000 products and 6000 orders in the database.
It might take a few hours for Reset to finish.
Hi there,
I tried also to run the migration in the CLI, but there I get this message: https://prnt.sc/gfaxqz
You must re-setting in all steps first. Once done, you can run delta migration in steps of our tool.
But if I want to save step 2, I get again the notification:
Error 500
I have detected in your site and see that issue because your Magento2’s database missing a default website. I have manual update for the website with code = ‘base’ as default website (is_default = 1) And now you can pass all settings steps of our tool.
I have re-settings in all steps for your instance: http://i.prntscr.com/O4NUwxB4QbeOY9wnIE-NjA.png
Also, i see you did reset all steps of our tool, but i still see a lot of data which you have migrated with our tool in first time? This is a strange. Seem you have do migrate in first time with other Magento1’s database instance? Or you have deleted the log tables of our tool after the first migration. Kindly explain more information about this.