Error in step 7

Hello, when running step 7 we are getting this error:
php bin/ubdatamigration run --step=7
[Processing][run] Step #7 migration completed with 100 active quotes;
etc, etc,
[Processing][run] Step #7 migration completed with 100 active quotes;
Status: fail
Message: Mage2SalesQuoteItem: Tax Amount is too long (maximum is 12 characters).
-- Base Tax Amount is too long (maximum is 12 characters).
And the migration fails here.
Thank you.

5 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone July 13, 2020

Hi there,

Status: fail
Message: Mage2SalesQuoteItem: Tax Amount is too long (maximum is 12 characters).
— Base Tax Amount is too long (maximum is 12 characters).

That occurred because your M1 database had some data records with bad data in the sales data section.

Please try with the steps below to handle that case:

+ Open the PHP file at 
and find the code line number 1765 and the line number 1812 which have the following code:

'row_total_incl_tax', 'base_row_total_incl_tax', 'qty')) AND strlen(trim($val)) > 12) {

and replace them with:

'row_total_incl_tax', 'base_row_total_incl_tax', 'qty', 'tax_amount', 'base_tax_amount')) AND strlen(trim($val)) > 12) {

+ And then, you can continue with the data migration in step #7.


Profile photo of Corvan IT 370.00 $tone July 13, 2020

Hello, now we have another error:
[Processing][run] Step #7 migration completed with 100 SalesOrderAggregatedCreated items;
[Processing][run] Step #7 migration completed with 100 SalesOrderAggregatedCreated items;
Status: fail
Message: Mage2SalesOrderAggregatedCreated: Order Status cannot be blank.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone July 14, 2020

Hi there,

Status: fail
Message: Mage2SalesOrderAggregatedCreated: Order Status cannot be blank.

That is another case of the bad data in your M1 database. You can run the following SQL query in your M1 database to look for those bad data records:

Select * From sales_order_aggregated_created Where order_status IS NULL OR order_status = '';

And then, you need to update the value of the ‘order_status’ field in all found data records or you can delete these data records if you no longer need them.

And then, you can continue with the data migration in step #7 as normal.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone July 14, 2020

Hi there,

this worked, thank you:)

Yes, let’s continue and contact us if you need further assistance.


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