After migrating we are getting an error message when checking out as a customer on front end.
It is a generic error message saying: “an error occurred on the server, please try again”
Some articles online seems to relate this to the UB Migration tool and these two tables:
I have looked at those tables and they indeed do not have entries for more than store_id 0 and 1. We have stores 2,3,4 as well.
Below is the exact explanation from the article.
Please advice. We are using tool version 3.0.9
if you have used the UBmigration tool for example and have multiple store views on your M1 install, it doesn’t create the sequence tables. You have to create these manually yourself (use EXPLAIN sequence_order_1; so you know correct data types), furthermore if you have migrated your sales data, you need to go into the above tables and update the sequence_value to +1 your latest entity_id value, so if you have 10200 orders, the sequence value will be 10201.
3 answers
Hi there,
After migrating we are getting an error message when checking out as a customer on front end.
To solve that issue, for each Store view Migrated in back-end of your site. Let’s open it and click to save button.
And re-check the checkout function in front-end of your site and tell me know how it goes.
It worked
Hi there,
Yeah, let’s contact me if you need further assistance.