Hi, i installed methys quickstart but failed to reindex Category Products . i see that demo product data and category data was imported to magento and nothing display in front of the site.
4 answers
Hi Jammy!
Please submit your login information (FTP/Admin) to your support ticket FMJ-474-25267. I’ll check for you.
I also have the same issue.
Installed the Methys Quickstart but the the Category Products failed to index and no products are showing on the front end of the site.
Is there a fix for this issue?
I have also submitted a support ticket for this issue, the ticked number is: MYO-953-87793.
Hi Dion!
Thanks for coming back. To index products in this case, please disable all products and then index. After that enable all them. Please try and tell me the result.
That worked
Disabling all products and then indexing the Product Catalog worked and fixed this issue.
Thank you.
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