Featured and Latest products disappearing from the homepage

Hi there,

I have a strange problem with the Featured and Latest products disappearing from the homepage. I have chosen JM Products Slider to show Featured Products and JM Products to show Latest products….

It has happened many times lately that all the products suddenly disappear from the homepage ๐Ÿ™

I have to go into the ADMIN area and Reindex DATA ( even if they are green and reindexing is not required ) to have the products back online.

I must add that there is nothing wrong with the products in the category view, the problem occurs only in the homepage with your modules.

Any solution for this? I use the quickstart magento installation.


6 answers

Profile photo of Sherlock 0.00 $tone April 3, 2013

Hi abrart,

That’s strange, Did the problem appear suddenly or after you did something ? Can you tell me ways to replicate the problem ?

Profile photo of abrart 20.00 $tone April 3, 2013


I can’t replicate the problem because it just happened without doing anything …, anyway, I will just wait till it happens again and try to find out the reason why it happens.

Thanks for the answer

Profile photo of Daniel Flamenbaum 0.00 $tone July 15, 2013

Hi dflamen,

Do you mean your problem got fixed ? Can you share with me your solution here

Hi Sherlock,

I just did what "abrart" told us to do: "I have to go into the ADMIN area and Reindex DATA ( even if they are green and reindexing is not required ) to have the products back online."

I had the same problem he reported, and this solution worked for me, but I don’t know what is causing this issue.. Thanks.


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