Hi, how can I add filter in the sidebar homepage?
7 answers
Hi, how can I add filter in the sidebar homepage?
Can you be a bit more specific?
Attach the image.
I need how add filters in "shop by" same the demo template.
I believe that sidebar is related to the MENU / CATEGORY CONFIGURATION
Ok, but, what is the block to insert in the xml layout?
Ok, but, what is the block to insert in the xml layout?
QUESTION . . . When you installed your theme, did you utilize the quickstart + sample data installation process?
No, I update my exist installation to magento and install the theme
I install in local a quickstart installation too, but I dont see where and how is create this section.
You can go to the file "page.xml" and look for this line of code: http://prntscr.com/3pit2c