Getting error: CDbConnection.connectionString cann

Good morning,

We have moved our M2 installation to a new server, and from that moment I get this error, when trying to open the migration page.
CDbConnection.connectionString cannot be empty
We have done a first migration, and I want to execute a delta migration.

Hope you can help my with the occuring error.

Best regards,

3 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone December 18, 2019

Hi Roy,

We have done a first migration, and I want to execute a delta migration.

It seems that you have changed database credentials after moving to a new server. Please re-update with the correct database credentials in the configuration file of our migration tool at: pub/ub-tool/protected/config/db.php


Profile photo of mdlonline -20.00 $tone December 19, 2019

Good morning,

When moving to the new server, I re-installed the webshop, from the composer.json.

Obviously it didn’t have the required config files in pub/ub-tools.
(posting this answer, for people who might run into this problem aswell)

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone December 19, 2019

Hi there, 

I re-installed the webshop, from the composer.json.

It’s pity that we did not support installation via composer for our UB Data Migration Pro module yet. The only installation option available was mentioned in our Readme manual (included with your download package). 

Since you moved your old M2 instance to a new server, please note additional steps below: 

  • You need to back up all the folder at pub/ub-tool
  • Re-update your site credentials as per Mall’s reply #1 above. 

Hope that helps.

Ubertheme team


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