getting error while migrating customer

i have successfully installed UB Data Migration tool lite and migration completed at step 5 (Product migration), now  when i click to migrate customer its showing error 
Column name must be either a string or an array.
please see screen shot here

1 answer

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone November 17, 2017

Hi Rajeev,
Thanks for spending time working with our UB Data Migration Lite version. 
Due to the limited resources, the Lite version is still based on an outdate codebase. It’s mainly for testing purpose that helps you get a feeling of how the migration process work.
Please consider moving forward with our Pro version, it will save you pretty much time. 
You can check out our recent data migration case studies for further reference.
-- We did use the Pro version ourself to help – Migrate 382,047 customer entities to Magento 2
-- And this case study as well -- used UB Data Migration Pro to migrate 230,000 products to Magento 2
Hope that helps.
Ubertheme team


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