Hey Guys,
I have the SportsGear theme, and it utilizes an off canvas menu.
This theme is designed where the off canvas menu is absolute positioned on the right side.
Google sees the menu, and thinks the page is not mobile friendly.
Can someone help with this? I need to fix this menu because it is killing my page score.
This is going to happen to everyone using this theme
13 answers
ive been asking for this for 1 month now.. no answer all i get asked is for ftp access…. even the demo site shows that issue
well i ASSUME you have FTP access to YOUR OWN demo no ?
unless asking for ftp is just plain I WANT ACCESS TO YOUR STUFF ?
my ftp info is casual.demo.ubertheme.com username you know it, password ask ziven
I do not give away my FTP and/or CPANEL info. This is against our security protocol.
If this theme was built using bootstrap (which it probably should have been), then we wouldn’t have this issue.
Google’s Mobile Test is the most important SEO factor right now. You guys need to fix this problem if you want new/repeat customers to buy your themes. You can’t sell a “responsive” solution that fails a mobile test.
Needs to be fixed ASAP, or everyone using your themes will be penalized.
-- Josh
Hi guys,
Yes that is a issue of our SportsGear theme. To solve that issue, please download the css file at bellow link:
and upload replace it to folder of your site at /skin/frontend/default/jm_sportsgear/css/off-canvas.css
and clean the Magento cache after your changing.
Let’s do it and tell me know how it goes.
seems ok do you have one for casual theme ?
Hi vanderex,
With casual theme you can down load the CSS file at
and upload replace it to folder of your site at /skin/frontend/default/jm_casual/css/off-canvas.css
and clean the Magento cache after your changing.
root@linux:/mag/skin/frontend/default/jm_casual/css# diff off-canvas.css off-canvas.css.bak
no difference in files
Hi vanderex,
Did you update the new css file at http://casual.demo.ubertheme.com/skin/frontend/default/jm_casual/css/off-canvas.css
to your site?
Can you provide me the url of your site which use the jm casual theme?
Hi vanderex,
Sorry, we was not yet updated this issue to demo site at http://casual.demo.ubertheme.com
Please re-download the file off-canvas.css at https://www.dropbox.com/s/7wrjcp02lqdjsm5/off-canvas.css?dl=0
and upload replace it to folder of your site at
Hi vanderex,
Seem your browser was cached. I see your site looking cool with https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fboutiqueerotiqueaquebec.com%2F
You can see this at the screenshot http://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/190528/251357eb18078df72d473419bc2b8528