regarding Helper installed together with bookshop 1.04 Magento 2.1.6
hi, we are trying to figure out with the Helper-guide -- -- how to configure the theme settings.
In the the Helper-guide is spoken of Background Image in Colors -- Pages and also of Pages -- product view. Both features are not -- as far as i oversee -- available in the Helper-install in the Magento-backend.
My questions, do i oversee anything or is there a fault in the install
regards, Kurtz
1 answer
Hi kurtz,
The UB Theme Helper guide you mentioned gives you an overview about the features that UB Theme Helper can support. Yet you might see some difference in settings when working with a specific theme. So make sure you check the UB Bookshop guide as well, here.
For UB Bookshop, the Background Image is available in Colors — Pages section only.
Best Regards,