How can I change Title/Img alt to JM Tab

Hi, please I need help to change the "Title" or img Alt for rigth side JM Tab.
I already try to change in jmtabs.xml, edit CMS Block "mobiles" and content, serch all page codes, serch database, flush cache. everithing and I can’t find a way to change the Title.

Also please explain the best way to select/insert the list of products I want for each column/tab.

Photo attached.Attachment 37537

Thanks in advance.

6 answers

Profile photo of tomc 0.00 $tone June 11, 2014

If you’re talking about modifying the IMAGES for those tabs, then what you can do is look to the respective CSS styling each tab -- and then adding your own image to your images folder to use in replacement.

For Example . . . the second tab/icon . . .

Look to file path --> /skin/frontend/default/jm_itech/css/styles.css
at line 8734


.col-right .default .jm-tabs-title-top li .tab {
    background-image: url("../images/ico-phone.png");


There you can see the CSS and the image path for that icon -- so you can now figure out how to change the icon with your own image.

Hope That Helps

Profile photo of Michael Alvarez 120.00 $tone June 11, 2014

Thanks TomC, but I already change that without a problem.

What I really need is to change the title "Mobile" or "Desktop", etc.. when you mouse over the icon. I can’t find where I can change it. This in iTech Magento template.

Profile photo of tomc 0.00 $tone June 11, 2014

Have you tried turning on Template Path Hints? . . . . .

Template path is really a great help in Magento framework while working on Magento Theme Development. Magento’s theme structure is quite complex compared to other open source frameworks. To learn more about Magento’s Theme structure you can refer this article.

Template path in Magento gives you an idea from which template file the block of code is being served.

(1) From admin section, Go to System >> Configuration.

(2) On that configuration page you will get long menu on left hand side, please select Developer which normally stays at bottom of menu.…loper_menu.jpg

(3) In newly open page you will find a debug section but you wont get Template path option there. This is because template path hint is not available at default config scope. We need to change our current scope other than Default Config. Please check below image for the same.…tore_scope.jpg

(4) Once you change the store scope, on the same page you will get new option in debug section which is “Template Path Hint”. You just need to enable that option and see the effect in front end.…_path_hint.jpg

5) Once you are done with above configuration change, you will get each portion of front end side surrounded by red blog with the path of the template file from which it is being served.

Profile photo of Saguaros 0.00 $tone June 12, 2014

Hi Michael,

The tooltip upon mouse-over will take the title text of tab, if you want to remove it, you can open the file: \app\design\frontend\default\jm_itechtemplate\joo mlart\jmtabs\vtabs.phtml

On approx line 38, you will see this loop:

PHP Code:

<?php foreach ($titles as $key_title => $title){ ?>
<li><h3 class="<?php echo strtolower($title);?>" title="<?php echo $title;?>"><span class="tab"><?php echo $title;?></span></h3></li>                            
<?php }?>

change it to:

PHP Code:

<?php foreach ($titles as $key_title => $title){ ?>
<li><h3 class="<?php echo strtolower($title);?>"><span class="tab"><?php echo $title;?></span></h3></li>                            
<?php }?>

Hope this helps.


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