How can i set the colors of the theme EASYSHOP

Hi Joomlart Friends,

i was wondering how i can set the color of the theme magento easyshop.

now there are 2 colors used the light grey gradient and the black top with the body bg on it but i would like to set the colours of the theme.

how could i done that ?

5 answers

Profile photo of thangnn1510 0.00 $tone January 31, 2011

Dear KingCoen!

After you use this code:

HTML Code:

$_params->set('ja_color','light');//'default','blue','red','teal','gray','green','yell ow','cream','light'

To set color defaul. Please use this code:

HTML Code:

$_params->set('usertool_color', 0); //0: disable, 4: show colors tools

To disable the color tools (EasyShop’s Color).


Profile photo of Iain Tozer 0.00 $tone June 8, 2011

I find I can change it to red but then the logo I have disappears and says "Easy Shop" again and I can’t find where it is. When I change the word "Light" for other colours it just goes to blue…

Any ideas? And where is the logo.png in the file structure?



Profile photo of thangnn1510 0.00 $tone June 9, 2011

Hi Iain.

"light" color isn’t in our colors list supported. To add it you must custom CSS, images from our origin color (ex: blue). When you change the color default as "light" it will be "blue".

Logo.png in images folder of the theme:



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