How do i edit text in Estimate Shipping and Tax?
The text in the above is US Centric and as my client is based in the UK i need to edit the text out that says ‘zip’ and ‘state’ etc.
Please can someobody tell me which files to edit.
thank you.
2 answers
Please copy shipping.phtml from app\design\frontend\base\defaulttemplate\checkout \cart to app\design\frontend\default\jm_oganistemplate\che ckout\cart and edit in that file.
hi, i found the file to edit and the parts that needed changing.
i didnt follow why i should then move it to app\design\frontend\default\jm_oganistemplate\che ckout\cart
i just edited it and left it where it was and it worked fine, or am i missing something ?
thanks for the help
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