So far I have created custom.css and add it to/path: skin/frontend/default/jm_leathercraft/css
also there is another question: why custom.css do not work? should be placed to another path? or there are additional steps that should be done in order for custom.css to override current css style?
3 answers
Hi Brank,
The custom.css you create not import it in xml.
Please follow this step.
step 1: open the file \app\design\frontend\default\jm_leathercraft\layout\page.xml at line 73
add after the code
<action method="addCss"><stylesheet>css/custom.css</stylesheet></action>
remember create the file custom.css in folder skin/frontend/default/jm_leathercraft/css
now please clear cache in magento.
it’s done.
Best Regards,
Great Ziven,
It worked out partially, I mean custom.css file override basic css of template itself but it can not override css of components (from Joomlart) as slide shows, mega menu etc. However, your answer helped me a lot and in order to change font in mega menu it is done from components css files and other fonts in the body of the website is done in custom.css
Once again than you for your help regarding this matter.
Hi Brank,
You are welcome.
Please let me know if you need help further.
Best Regards,