How to add a different mobile menu

Hi Support,

I’m wondering if it is possible to have two different menu’s, 1 for desktop and 1 for mobile. Eg. the mobile menu have less categories than the desktop menu.
We are using version 1.2.4.

1 answer

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone December 1, 2021

Hi There,

I’m wondering if it is possible to have two different menu’s, 1 for desktop and 1 for mobile. Eg. the mobile menu have less categories than the desktop menu.

Hi there,
We are more than happy to support you. We have some questions and recommendations as below:
1. Could you please let us know which main menu position you are mentioning?
2. If it is Main Menu (main-menu), UB Megamenu is applied for menu key “main-menu” for all devices.
If you want the Mobile layout to load a different menu, you will need to set a new Menu group and associated Menu items in the back-end.
3. You are using version 1.2.4, the latest version is 1.2.7, you should check and upgrade to the latest version.
We will be waiting for your reply and comments.
Best Regards,


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