hi support
i’m trying to add products into the menu, seems this funciton is exists
However i didn’t find that, i added a “test1” product in Default Category, how can i add into menu item “Products” between “Home” and “Services”
3 answers
Hi Fenco,
We wonder if you want to feature products (with a product image, product title & price) to your menu.
If that’s the case, please provide us a sample of the menu structure & layout you want, we will get back to you then.
Also, please provide us the URL and admin credentials of your M2 site.
PS. Please mark your reply private, then it’s safe to share your site info here. Only you and our technical team can access it.
Ubertheme team
hi support
i just use “import sample data” in theme helper -> configuration
there is an menu already after ran the “import sample data”, see the pic
just want to simply show the products
do you think it is possible to do in the menu?
Hi Fenco,
i just use “import sample data” in theme helper -> configuration
there is an menu already after ran the “import sample data”, see the pic
The ‘Import sample data’ function just helps to import Static Block/ CMS Page and Widget.
You will need to configure the mega menu manually. You can learn more about the configuration options of the UB Mega Menu following this guide: https://www.ubertheme.com/docs/ub-mega-menu/ (you might need to add additional style if the menu layout is not ready in the default UB Atoms theme).
Meanwhile, you can check our demo menu in the UB Atoms QuickStart for further reference.
Best Regardz,