how to change categories top page

Hi, I tried to change each categories top page, but it didn’t work correctly.
Here is screen shot and how can I modify it?
Thank you!

12 answers

Profile photo of tuan le van 11570.00 $tone June 8, 2015

Hi  satolun3,
 I don’t connect to your site . Please recheck your information.
You could use the order field in Megamenu . (system->admin->JoomlArt-> JM Mega Menu-> Mage menu groups -> choose group -> choose ‘Desks & Chairs’ -> order )
Best regards,
Kan Lee

Profile photo of tuan le van 11570.00 $tone June 9, 2015

You could use the order field in Megamenu . (system->admin->JoomlArt-> JM Mega Menu-> Mage menu groups -> choose group -> choose item menu -> choose order field 
Best regards,
Kan Lee

Profile photo of satolun3 190.00 $tone June 9, 2015

Ok I found this order field.
So what can I change from this order field?
Could you tell me more detail about how can I change top pictures of each categories with this order field?
Best regards.

Profile photo of tuan le van 11570.00 $tone June 9, 2015

Hi Satoru,
I apologize for misunderstanding your issue.
You go to admin-> catalog-> manage categgories -> Desks and chairs -> custom design tab -> カスタムレイアウト <value>masshead/mass-head3.jpg</value>
Have a look and let’s me know how it goes.
Best regards,

Profile photo of satolun3 190.00 $tone June 9, 2015

Oh, this is what I wanted to know!!
Really appreciate your great support.
Thank you so much and I’ll let you know if I had another thing to know.


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